Deborah Aylward, NH State Representative:

State Representative Representing Merrimack District 5. Towns of Andover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury & Webster.

Candidate Statement

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As a State Representative, I believe it is my responsibility to promote democracy, preserve conservative values and assure that government does not infringe on constitutional rights, as a result, my candidacy was endorsed by the National Rifle Association in 2022.  With session attendance a top priority, I reliably had a 100% attendance rate. Striving to create new business opportunities, I am pushing to have ‘Food Freedom’ laws passed. The favorite part of this job is promptly, and compassionately solving problems in response to constituent requests.

Protecting property owners from higher taxes, I voted against significant raises for county officials, and made a motion to defeat a proposal brought by the House Speaker despite obvious political pressure. It is reported that the annual cost of living (i.e. expenses required to sustain a particular standing of living) for the average NH family is 14% higher than the national average, that ranks NH as the 10th worst in America! Highly concerned about inflation, the economy, and lack of affordable housing, I supported, and will continue to support proposals that provide relief. When elected, I will not support tampering with the current laws on abortion and will oppose bills that promote illegal immigration and threaten national and local safety. I will not support income or sales taxes.I abhor juvenile name calling, bullying, threats or intimidation as a form of political speech which is unproductive, distracting, ugly and and unbecoming of anyone. Believing that showing respect and engaging in civil discourse with across-the-isle colleagues is the only way to legislative achieve goals, I am working closely with a Democrat Rep to create proposals addressing land use and zoning issues. 

This year, thanks to the gracious help of Rep. Katelyn Kataub, my website was launched, I attended local events, and will be visiting District 5 transfer stations to meet and greet constituents. 

My voting record and various organization’s ’score cards’ speaks to the fact I represent the party that stands for freedom, prosperity and opportunity. I am ‘pro life’ within the context of the state’s current laws on abortion, and also pro business, free markets, education freedom, low property taxes, limited government, transparency and accountability, and election integrity. My successes and bright visions for the future make me 

the right candidate for the job in 2024-2026. The 2005 photo depicts myself when first arriving to NH, meaning I will soon be celebrating 20 wonderful years as a resident of this great state! 

Please remember that District 5 is a two-seat district for State Representative, which means voters should ‘Vote for Two” or preferably, “Vote for Both” incumbent candidates. Thanking the voters of District 5 (again) for their votes in 2022, I look forward to serving as your State House Representative for the next two years and thank you in advance for your vote. Please vote for ‘Representative Aylward’  because your liberty, security, and economic prosperity depends upon it! 

Respectfully, Rep. Deborah Aylward 

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